What’s the difference between agency communities like Agency Collective, Agency Hackers, GYDA, BIMA, Alliance of Independent Agencies…?
October 7, 2020
#2 What losing lots of money as a stock market trader taught me about winning at the agency game
October 9, 2020Feel free to read on if you’re a curious learner like me...
700KM, 1 accident and 5 days later I reached my destination.
Here are some reflections...
I just left a 5 year gig at a previous business I built, because I failed to fully take over the business - that hit my confidence. Doing these sort of challenges can help rebuild you and give you the momentum to start again.
Have a plan (include what to do when things go wrong).
Take only what you really need. Limited space forces you to prioritise things that make the biggest impact.
Sometimes you just have to trust your intuition and go for it - most ‘worst’ case scenarios aren’t that bad.
Riding down hill is a good time to rest, but rest assured it’s going back up.
The harder route is often the one with a novel reward.
Hang on to the happiness found in simple things. It made me so happy when I finally figured out the perfect position of my charger (on day 2), so that I could reach the on button in seconds.
Finally, yeah arriving at the goal was great! For like a minute, but then I missed the journey, the process. Enjoy the journey. The ‘result happiness’ is often short-lived, and you’ll probably want more.