May 16, 2022

Deep Dive Meetup: Birmingham

Deep Dive Meetup: Birmingham Darts, canal boat trip, a good curry and a graffiti workshop…In the UK’s most ‘idyllic’ city – Birmingham 🙃But it’s never about […]
January 10, 2022

Agency Dealmasters Podcast

Agency Dealmasters Podcast Polymensa founder Daniel de la Cruz was interviewed on the Agency Dealmasters podcast with Nathan Anibaba. Agency Dealmasters has featured some of the […]
October 6, 2021

The shortcomings of an agency non-executive director

The Shortcomings Of An Agency Non-Executive Director   A lot of agency founders we meet who get to 20, 30, 40 or 50 employees feel a […]
December 1, 2020

Reflections Nov 2020 – Week 4: The need to be needed, novel experiences, People Ops call notes, emotion classification and more…

Agency musings The need to be needed As an agency grows beyond the multiple hat wearing circus parade of the founder. Owners of agencies often become […]
November 23, 2020

Reflections Nov 2020 – Week 3: What happens after success? When to hire a studio manager? Nocebo effect and more…

Agency musings What happens after success? The big exit. A dream for many agency owners. Cash out, move to a remote island with an outdoor shower. […]
October 16, 2020

Learn from the winners and the losers – avoid Survivorship Bias

It’s interesting how we most often seek the advice from people who succeeded, rather than those that failed. Why is that?Is it an overconfidence feeling of: […]